Freyhand Larp Shields
We offer you sign blanks that you can use to quickly create really great works of art. Countless examples can be admired at the events!
1. Planning and concept
Think about which type of sign would be best for your project. Perhaps create a small concept drawing.
Since our shields are not just about the look but also about their use in action, we advise you to think carefully about how you want to use the shield. More as a light "side-up equipment" or is your entire combat equipment based on heavy equipment and the shield?
- Round shields with a central handle are extremely mobile shields that are particularly suitable for skirmishers and fast, light fighters.
- Large Kyte shields can act as a group in battle lines, forming a bulwark of safety in the fray.
- Small tournament shields can be colorfully painted to make your coat of arms colors present on your costume.
So select the sign type and off you go
2. Handles and straps
There are many ways to comfortably use the shield in battle. We've probably spent weeks talking about who prefers what... our conclusion: do what you want ;)
You can simply attach as many handles as you want to our shield blanks in any position you can imagine. It is best to mark the desired position with a pencil beforehand and you are ready to go.
You can find the right products here:
What you should plan for:
- shield handles
- Mounts for a back carrying strap (Our round shields already have a recess prepared on the shield hinge)
Youtube "How to" for attaching the shield handles:
- Maybe a place for a dagger sheath?
3. Ground colour
Simply paint the sign with artist acrylic paints. They are easy to get in all colors. Tip: Don't apply too thickly as they can become brittle...
For a group or the followers of a noble house, the simplified version of the coat of arms colors with a concise symbol is often sufficient to achieve the desired recognition value.
4. Details, details, details...
There are no limits to your artistic expression here. Paint until your brush glows or convince talented people to create a work of art for you. We have already received some really great results from you! We are showing you a selection of particularly beautiful works and ideas here in the Freyhand Schilde Gallery.
5. Border decoration
When the shield is finished painting, you can of course cover the edge with leather or create a braided pattern. You can easily sew through the foam of the shield with a pointed awl. It is of course also possible to sew embossed leather work onto the shield...
We are extremely excited to see what you make with the Freyhand shield blanks!
Feel free to post your results on Instagram and tag us in the post. We will then take notice and add your works to the collection so that they can inspire others!
Finally, we would like to mention that we are happy to support larger groups and organizers of LARP events in expanding their equipment. Just write to us if you think we would all benefit from moving your project forward and supporting it with sponsorship.
Best regards,
Kai and the Freyhand Crew